Comparing credit cards and credit card providers is about more than just checking the advertised interest rates. Interest rates are fairly comparable between providers and securing the lowest possible rate can save you money but it’s worth considering a few other things as well as the advertised rates to really get the most from whatever credit option that you ultimately choose.
The first question worth considering is what you actually need your credit card for. Thinking about what you want from a fast approval credit card will help you find the kind of provider that suits you best. If you’re looking for fast cash to help you with some ongoing costs like medical expenses or other living expenses, then you may want to consider an interest free credit card.
Many providers, including MoneyMe, offer interest free periods on purchases made with your credit card to help lower your fees and charges. For example, as a MoneyMe customer with a Freestyle virtual credit card, you can access up to 55 days interest-free. When you repay your credit balance within this period, you don’t pay any interest on credit funds that you have used. When considering credit cards and providers, check how much you can afford to repay on your credit balance each month and decide whether interest free periods can work for you.
Popular buy now and pay later options offer customers access to normally 4 fortnights of interest free time to pay off a purchase. When you really break down how much time that is, you’ll be surprised to discover that it comes to 42 days. While this is a great deal of time to pay off a recent purchase, you can actually achieve more than another whole week when you opt for the Freestyle Mastercard from MoneyMe instead.
The next question worth considering is what kind of credit limit will work best for you. A credit card comes with a revolving line of credit which means that when you repay part or all of the credit balance that you have used, those funds become instantly available again. This can make them a great way to cover your day to day living expenses throughout the month. You can set yourself a clear budget for things like entertainment costs, petrol and groceries, as well as bills and other incidentals, and then at the end of the month (or your next pay cycle) pay out the balance that you have accrued. This ensures that you’re making the most of your interest free period and keeping within your living budget.
When it comes to credit limits, you can keep a little left on your card for emergency spending to give you peace of mind when life’s little moments happen like needing urgent repairs around the house or to your car.
Maintaining healthy credit card habits helps to keep your spending within an affordable range that you can repay on time and within your interest free period. Using your credit card limit as your spending limit can be one way of ensuring that you don’t overspend between pay cycles. Nominating a certain amount from your total credit card balance is another way to help you keep to your budget but you’ll need to exercise discipline to ensure that you keep within your self-imposed limits. Ultimately, knowing that you can pay off your entire credit card balance when it’s due is a great way to maintain credit affordability, healthy spending habits and keep your credit score nice and high for future credit options like home loans and other large financed projects.
MoneyMe has developed an instant credit card approval process that gets you fast cash when you need it. Completing and submitting your credit card application online with MoneyMe takes you just 5 minutes from start to finish. Approvals are fast, usually returned to you within the hour when you apply during our business hours. When you’re approved, we’ll let you know the credit limit that we have offered you. You can, at any time, apply to have your credit limit increased or decreased quickly and hassle-free from your MoneyMe dashboard, available on your smartphone. The Freestyle virtual credit card is available for balances between $1000 and $5000.