While Zip is legally permitted to share your credit information with credit bureaus, they won’t necessarily do so proactively. Or, in legal terms, they’ll use their discretion.
If you miss your payments, they may report you to the relevant credit reporting body, thereby affecting your credit score. An important thing to note though: when you apply for a loan, as part of their procedure, banks may look at your transaction history. Your buy now, pay later transactions may not affect your credit report, but they may affect your loan approval.
Periodically ordering a free credit report to check your credit health is a great way to calculate credit score and tell if it’s being affected by your use of Zip Money or other buy now, pay later services.
When using Zip Money, it’s important to remember that after the three-month interest-free period on each purchase has waned, any balance outstanding will be charged at the full Zip Money interest rate – a high 19.9% p.a. at the time of writing. If you’re not careful and can’t pay your outstanding balance in time, you could begin to accrue buy now, pay later debt quite quickly.
Using the Zip Money repayment calculator can help you work out an affordable, regular repayment schedule to keep ahead of charges and avoid damaging your credit through missed payment or snowballing debt.