Another consideration when choosing between loan companies will be comparing the cost of the loan and the different features each loan offers. The interest rates, fees and charges will vary between loan lenders and products. When weighing one lender against another, as well as comparing interest rates, it is important to look at the comparison rates as well. The comparison rate factors in the interest rate but also some of the fees that are associated with the loan such as ongoing service fees or application fees, so using the comparison rate will help you get a better idea of the true cost of the loan. You’ll need to read the fine print though as each lender can calculate the comparison rate slightly differently and there may be additional fees and charges you need to consider such as late payment fees, early exit fees or penalties for making extra payments.
Aside from the cost of the loan, flexibility is also a consideration. You’ll need to consider questions such as: Are there restrictions around what the money can be used for? How much money can I borrow? Are the loan repayment terms flexible? What is the eligibility criteria for a loan? Do you conduct credit history checks? Most responsible unsecured loan companies will conduct credit checks as they don’t want to lend you more money than they think you are in a position to be able to comfortably repay.
At MoneyMe, aside from your credit rating, we also consider other factors such as your income and expected living expenses to get a complete picture of your financial situation. Factors such as how much you can borrow and the lending criteria will vary between loan organisations, so you’ll need to find a loan that works for you.
If you are looking for online low interest loans in Australia with fast approval and flexible repayments, MoneyMe offers cash loans up to $50,000. With a quick and easy application process and no early exit fees, the MoneyMe personal loan could be just what you are looking for. If you compare our variable interest rates on our unsecured personal loans with the big 4 banks, you’ll see how competitive our rates are. And, in many cases if you apply before 5 pm, the money can be in your account on the same day. Apply online now.