There are lenders that require you to settle at least a portion of your secured auto car loan before you can drive the vehicle. It is a hassle, especially if you need the car to handle work or family responsibilities.
MONEYME ensures you never have to deal with this problem. We only offer unsecured loans to give you instant access to your dream car and prevent the possibility of losing your properties. We essentially enable you to get loans against car and still drive it.
Our completely digital application process takes just minutes to complete. That means you can forget about taking lengthy phone calls associated with traditional cash loan applications. It also eliminates the hassle of submitting documents to prove your assets and liabilities. We just need digital access to your most recent bank statements to confirm your financial capacity. You can also trust that our customer service team is ready to assist you at every step of the way.
MONEYME protects your finances through our commitment to responsible and transparent lending. We exercise due diligence when structuring loan terms to get you on the right track for financial stability. You can rest assured that we will only lend you as much as you can realistically afford to repay.
Whether you take out a new car loan or a used car loan, your fortnightly or monthly repayments will be directly debited from your chosen bank account at the end of your desired billing cycle. Better still, we don't charge any early exit fees on our loans, so if you choose to pay off your loan before the end of its term, that's totally fine with us.
To make managing your car payments easy, download the MONEYME app on the Google or Apple app stores to view your loan repayment amounts, get direct debit reminders, check your remaining loan balance, and more.
We recommend checking out our personal loan calculator to compare repayments across different interest rates and loan terms to see what best suits your budget. We also have a personal loan repayment calculator that can give you an idea of how much you might pay in interest based on your desired loan term.
MONEYME lets you obtain a loan against car and still drive it as usual. Apply now!