Personal loans from credit providers are contracts where you agree to borrow money from the credit provider for personal purposes, such as a car or student finance. Interest is charged on the loan, plus fees and charges are payable (such as ongoing fees like account keeping fees). Your establishment fee is often rolled into your total loan amount and does not constitute as a separate payment fee upon approval or acceptance of your loan contract.
A personal loan can provide you with access to money you want or need now, so that you can do things like:
take advantage of a great offer on a new asset with a great interest rate car loan and flexible terms
put down a deposit for an upcoming life event and enjoy regular, cashflow friendly repayments
pay for an unexpected emergency or bills (like mechanical works and repairs on your car) and enjoy the security of knowing that you can cover your costs comfortably with a range of loan terms, including short terms of just 12 months
move rental properties (and pay your upfront costs like professional movers and your bond)
travel to all of the places you have always wanted to go comfortably and with the security of knowing that you can pay off your epic adventure with manageable repayment terms
MoneyMe offers personal loans ranging from $5,000 to $50,000, with flexible repayments and no early repayment fees or exit fee. Our interest rate ranges are highly competitive. Check out our comparison rate examples to compare personal loans.
Larger loan amounts can help with purchases like a new car, a wedding, renovations, or education expenses like tuition fees and even for the cost of regular school terms.
Larger loan amounts may have a longer loan term, so that you have more time to repay the loan, but this also means that there is more interest to pay over the life of the loan. Shorter loan terms will mean higher repayment amounts but less interest payable over the life of the loan. Don't forget that you can reduce the amount of interest that you pay on a new loan for a car or other large purchase by paying out your loan amount ahead of time.
Even if you have a poor history with credit, you may be approved for a personal loan with MoneyMe.