When looking for the best used car loans, you should be thinking about how the vehicle finance terms are calculated. At MONEYME, you can have peace of mind knowing that we’ll make a comprehensive assessment before we give your interest rate, principal budget, and repayment duration.
Instead of basing everything on your numerical credit rating, we take into account other pertinent factors. Our evaluation features an extensive checklist that considers your possible sources of income, general living expenses in Australia, and obligations from debt. As a result, we’ll know more about both the micro and macro aspects of your life.
Since we give fair and honest decisions, you don’t have to feel apprehensive about filling up our online application form. No matter what your credit score for car loan is, we’ll be sure to compare your past and present situation thoroughly.
If our findings show that your current status has improved, then we’ll give you your used car finance rates. Similarly, we’ll let you enjoy a principal budget of $5,000 to $50,000 as well as a repayment term that lasts one to five years.
Note that the initial terms given to you may also improve over time. Just show us positive borrowing behaviour (i.e. paying your outstanding balance on time) and we’ll reward you accordingly.
Apply at MONEYME today and get the best used car loans for your specific lifestyle!