A consolidation loan is a great way to bundle all of your existing debt, spread over many creditors, into a single loan product with a fixed monthly repayment. You can stop compounding interest in its tracks as well as enjoy the flexibility of paying out your loan balance with us ahead of schedule without having to pay early exit fees.
The first step if you’re looking for a debt consolidation solution is to calculate everything you owe. Ensure you include absolutely everything, including credit cards and store cards, in your calculations. Then use our online loan repayment calculator to estimate what your repayments would be like on a personal loan covering the total amount that you currently owe. Play with inputs like the loan term and interest rates to get as close an idea as possible to what you are likely to pay should you choose one of our consolidation loans.
Once you know how much you need to apply for, simply apply online using our online form. It takes less than 5 minutes to complete and submit a new application with us. To be eligible to apply, applicants must be at least 18 years of age, currently employed and a resident within Australia.
When you receive an approval notification from us, you’ll find the total amount that you have been approved for, your repayment amount, the number of repayments that you’ll need to make as well as details and information relating to the terms and conditions of your arrangement and any other fees and charges that are applicable. Accepting your loan contract is just as easy as applying. Simply sign and submit it online. As soon as we receive your accepted loan offer, we transfer you the funds immediately.
Unlike other debt relief services, we do not pay your creditors on your behalf and nor do we finalise your accounts for you. You receive your full lump sum cash amount into your bank account, and you are free to disperse your funds as you need to. You are free to finalise your accounts if you want to or to retain some of your creditors. The power over your finances and your debt remains with you.
Now that you know unsecured loans are more flexible than secured debt consolidation loans, it’s time to apply online with us to discover how much you could be approved for today. Apply online now.