The time it takes to request a credit report can vary. Generally, viewing your report online may take as little as one day. In some cases, you may have to wait up to ten days to receive your report via email or mail. The main credit reporting agencies in Australia where you can send a request are Experian, illion, and Equifax.
A credit report differs from a credit score. This is something to keep in mind if you’re looking up terms like ‘How do I find my credit score?’ Your credit report holds necessary details about you, such as your credit history. On the other hand, your credit score is a numerical figure that relates to your creditworthiness, calculated based on the information in your credit report.
The credit report contains your personal information. Additionally, your file encompasses a comprehensive summary of your credit history, potentially covering a period of up to seven years.
It includes details of the credit products you used in the past twenty-four months. Your repayment history is also outlined in the file, including amounts, due dates, and missed payments. Positive credit behaviours, such as consistent, on-time repayments, are also recorded.
Information on financial hardships and arrangements can be present, and defaults or non-payment of debt on utility bills may be included, but with prior notification.
Moreover, the report lists your credit applications, including the frequency and total amount you borrowed, as well as any guaranteed loans. Instances of bankruptcy, debt agreements, court judgments, or personal insolvency agreements associated with you will also be included.
Finally, enquiries made by credit providers requesting your credit report will also show up in the file.
Whether the credit reporting body will provide you with your score along with your credit report will depend on them. So, if you’re wondering, ‘Can I find my credit score on my report?’ it’s advisable to contact the credit reporting agency beforehand to confirm if your score will be included in the file. On the other hand, you can utilise online credit score tools that can provide you with this information in minutes.