While every loan is different, most banks offer a loan to buy a car for between $10,000 and a maximum of $100,000. It’s an option many Australians take advantage of, but keep in mind that the amount you can borrow will depend on your personal and financial circumstances, such as your credit score, earnings, and expenses.
Additionally, as you resort to a loan to buy a car, the type of loan you’re after will also influence the maximum loan amount. Remember, car loans can either be secured or unsecured. In most cases, a secured loan will allow you to borrow finance for a car loan as the security or collateral on the loan gives the lender greater recourse to recover the money lent once you fail to pay repayments on time. For this reason, unsecured car loans that provide lenders with no collateral can only let you borrow a loan amount less than $100,000.
In choosing MONEYME as your online lender for car finance, we can give the money at your fingertips within minutes after being approved through our online application. We offer different types of loans that can be suitable for your ideal loan to buy a car such as personal loans, quick cash loans, online cash loans, short-term loans, express loans, and credit cards.